Reiki Therapy

30 MINUTES $44 • 60 MINUTES $77 • 90 MINUTES $108

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Luke offers himself as a conduit for this healing energy. He belives this is a gift and a responsibility from the Creator and takes it very seriously. If you are called to recieve this presence, and release what no longer serves you; now is the perfect time to inquire.


Wim Hof Method

Variable Pricing

We are currently working on a pricing structure and club to utilize the ice bath and sauna along with a community-based healing modality!

Infrared Jade Wrap

30 MINUTES $20 • 45 MINUTES $25

Experience the FAR Infrared Jade Heat Wrap. This is a detoxifying tool designed to help shuttle stubborn toxins out of the body. Many clients report some of the best sleep they’ve had in a long time after a session. This is also the wrap used in private sound healing sessions!


Sound Healing

60 MINUTES $90 • 90 MINUTES $120

Now accepting reservations for one-on-one sound healing sessions utilizing gongs, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, French chimes, and many more healing instruments. You will be cocooned in a detoxifying wrap of infrared heat, jade and tourmaline crystals while you relax in your cozy nest. You will be transformed by a sea of blissful sound.

  • Rebalance internal energy

  • Align the Chakras

  • Vibrate cells at a higher frequency

  • Create a deep sense of peace

  • Enter a state of profound meditation

  • Connect to your highest source energy

Book your session today by contacting Adrienne at (269) 240-4297 or Luke at (269) 999-6944!



For reservations or information:

Call / text Luke at (269) 999-6944 or inquire below.